Multitasking: Is it over or underrated?

There is always so much happening on campus – academic/career/social events. Attending these events is just one side of the coin. What about all that goes into organizing and conducting the events? Many of these are managed and run completely by students, either through clubs …

Interviews, Internships; and Emotions?

The ongoing search for internships/jobs, the required interview preparations and the emotional investment going into all this is clearly palpable. It is so much of hard work and dedication, almost involving perspiration. Networking is so critical, especially in cases of career shifts. The last four months …

An Exam of Case Studies or a Case Study of an Exam?!

Can accounting relate to something other than journal entries, trial balance and final accounts? Can it ever not relate to a share capital a/c, a goodwill a/c, a sinking fund reserve a/c, a redemption reserve a/c or the saving grace, a ‘suspense a/c’? Well, Financial …

MiFs: Dancing Away to Glory @ Diwali Party 2012

Diwali is an Indian festival of lights and is one that is celebrated across the nation with unwavering spirits. Last Saturday was the Diwali party hosted by the India club. It was grander than any that I’ve attended so far – mouth watering food, incredible …

MiFs & Financial Accounting – Whats so special?!

Accounting as a subject causes undue distress to mostly those without a background, while those with one know it’s more common sense than a carefully engineered complication! We’d already had a prep course of 6 sessions prior to the commencement of our regular accounting class. …

A Study Group after my own heart

For all the core courses at LBS the class is split into groups of six (depending on the class/stream strength) and no two individuals are from the same nationality. The flavor of “diversity” that the school specializes in offering, permeates to such a micro level! My study group consists …

A Heaven of Opportunities

There are innumerable opportunities to contribute to the student’s community at LBS. This realization hit me not when I nominated myself for the post of the Academic Rep of my class, but after I lost the elections for the same! Clubs: There are around 80 …