I’ve always been surrounded by people, rather I’ve needed people around me; this has been the case since time immemorial. I had separate groups for different interests of mine and I loved things that way – a group of friends to suit my different moods and hobbies.Obviously I felt quite thoroughly displaced after my shift to London. First few months were exciting; they involved exploring the unknown and experimenting new things with the hope of making a positive impact. Testing the boundaries of your horizons is great fun when all other factors in life remain constant. Whereas in London I slowly realized that all other things in my life had changed for good.It is in London, away from my comfort zone and devoid of a support system, that I figured it takes all kinds to make this world. There are quite a few people who take pleasure in breaking one’s spirits. In their failure and misery they seek to step all over others. Frankly, avoiding such people is impposible. Maintaining immense strength of character and resilience at all times acts as a deterrent in giving them a sense of satisfaction. Pretending to be invincible is what helped me – though I couldn’t avoid such people, I kept a reasonable distance from them and their negativity. It’s worth mentioning though that London is also where I’ve made friendships for a lifetime and have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most intruiging, inspiring and intresting people ever!London made me cynical in the beginning but it taught me to remain tough, to stand up for myself when others around me were either indifferent or against me and to handle subtle insinuations against one’s nationality with grace and poise. It taught me to listen more and say less. It taught me that most things in life are not personal; in fact they are more about others – their failures (insecurities) or their scheme of things. Most importantly it taught me to look at lonliness as solitude. In solitude I have found peace! In company I have learnt to maintain my individuality! Thank you, London